One Voyage Ends Another Begins
As most of you have realized, I stopped writing publicly about my feelings and experiences while living in Japan. I couldn't possibly list all the reasons that caused my apathy toward the blog because I don't fully understand why I stopped either. I think it boiled down to issues of privacy, frustrations and insecurities about my writing, and frustrations and insecurities about myself.
In short, I'm going to return to California at the end of August to continue my future in the field of education. To celebrate my great experience here and bring some closer, my final hurrah will be to hitch hike from my hometown, the southern most region of mainland Japan, to Sapporo Japan, which is the largest city on the northern most island of mainland Japan. I am leaving July 30th and hoping to arrive in Sapporo within a week's time. In all, I have given myself two weeks to hitch hike to Sapporo then return to Nagoya where I fly back to Kagoshima. The plan is to keep things as simple as possible, see as many points of interest as I can, travel cheaply, and meet some nice people along the way.
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